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where can i find movies on Netflix?
Hi. I recently found out that there are a lot of interesting movies on Netflix, but I don't know what to watch. Can you recommend something?
Greetings, It's a great choice to look for something on Netflix, as there are really a lot of great movies on there. I would recommend visiting the MoviesList website, where you will find a selection of the best Netflix movies chosen by visitors to this site. The information there is conveniently organized by year and genre, and brief descriptions and trailers for the movies are also available. It's a great way to choose movies that match your preferences. For example, if you like gripping stories with deep meaning, you will find movies like Money Heist: The Phenomenon or Bird Box listed. This will help to make your movie night really interesting and entertaining!
Firstly, we should login the Netflix after opening the interface go to the above search bar, and find the movie that we want to watch.

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