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Key Skills Needed for a Cybersecurity Job
Key Skills Needed for a Cybersecurity Job 
Problem-Solving Skills 
As a cybersecurity professional, problem-solving plays a key role in your daily work. Professionals in this field must find creative ways to address and overcome complex information security challenges across a range of existing and emerging technologies and digital environments. 
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Technological Fit 
As the name suggests, cybersecurity is a technology-focused field. You'll likely be tasked with tasks such as troubleshooting, maintaining and updating information security systems, implementing continuous network monitoring, and providing real-time security solutions. Technical expertise is essential  to  a cybersecurity professional's daily work. 
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Knowledge of Security Across  Platforms 
Cybersecurity is not limited to computers alone. You'll need to be familiar with a range of operating systems, computer systems, mobile devices, cloud networks, and wireless networks, and stay up to date with advancements in the field. Attention to detail 
Protecting your business against cyber attacks requires you to be hyper-vigilant and detail-oriented to effectively identify vulnerabilities and risks. You will be responsible for continuous network monitoring and  be able to quickly identify concerns and develop real-time security solutions to address them. 

Communication skills 
As a cybersecurity specialist, you will work closely with people in other roles and departments, so it is important that you can effectively communicate and explain your findings, concerns, and solutions to others. It is important that you can speak clearly and concisely about cybersecurity strategies and policies and communicate technical information to people with different levels of technical understanding. 

Basic computer forensic skills 
Although computer forensics and cybersecurity are two different fields, they are closely related, and  computer forensic fundamentals can help you succeed in a cybersecurity career. To  effectively protect your organization's digital assets and prevent security breaches, you need  a solid understanding of what happens if your efforts fail and how to recover compromised data. For this reason, most cybersecurity degree programs include a computer forensics component. 
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Willingness to Learn 
Like any other technology field, cybersecurity is changing rapidly. Anyone working in this field must stay up to date on best practices and new industry trends, constantly learning and developing during work hours and in their free time. 

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