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Dry cleaning is a specialized cleaning process used for clothing and urgent dry cleaning SW18 textiles that are labeled as "dry clean only" due to their delicate fabrics or embellishments that may be damaged by traditional washing methods. Unlike regular washing, which uses water and detergent, dry cleaning uses a solvent-based solution to clean clothes without soaking them.
The dry cleaning process typically begins with garment inspection and pre-treatment of stains using specialized spotting agents. Garments are then placed in a machine that resembles a large front-loading washer but uses a solvent (usually perchloroethylene or hydrocarbon) instead of water. The solvent effectively dissolves oils and grease, lifting dirt and stains from the fabric.
After cleaning, garments go through a drying process where most of the solvent is removed through spinning in the machine. Any remaining solvent is evaporated during a final drying phase, leaving the clothes dry and ready to be pressed and finished.
Dry cleaning offers several advantages over traditional washing, such as preventing shrinkage, preserving color and texture, and maintaining the shape and structure of delicate fabrics like silk, wool, and cashmere. It is also effective for removing stubborn stains that may not come out with regular washing.
However, dry cleaning can be more expensive than traditional laundering due to the specialized equipment and chemicals involved. Moreover, there are environmental concerns associated with some solvents used in the process, leading to efforts in developing more eco-friendly alternatives.
In summary, dry cleaning is a valuable service for cleaning delicate and specialty garments, offering effective stain removal and fabric care through a solvent-based cleaning process.

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